What are we doing in Year 1?

During the first half term in Phonics, we were revisiting all of the Phase 3 sounds and we are moving onto Phase 4 after half term.  Here is a picture of the Phase 3 & 4 sound mat if you are unsure.

T-L-016-Phase-3-Sound-Mat_ver_3   phase 4

In Maths we were working on Number bonds for all numbers up 10. For example Number bonds to 5 would be 0+5, 1+4, 3+2. We do these for all numbers up to 10.  We have also worked a lot on numbers up to 100 and knowing the value of each digit in a number, (e.g. tens and ones.) Here are some examples of the type of work we have been doing in Maths recently…

Number-2BBond-2Band-2BPart-2BWhole-2B2  wp857ca633_05_06   Numicon

After the half term in Maths we will be looking into addition and subtraction for the first couple of week. This involves using practical resources such as the number line and the whole part model. Very exciting as the children will be writing the sums in their maths books!


In English (writing), we are focusing very  hard on handwriting by emphasising our lovely ascenders, descenders and the same sizers.  We have also been looking at including all of our different writing targets to improve our fantastic work! WE have just started to introduce  noun phrases to describe different objects.

We will continue with this after half term, whilst writing about new topics that we are learning about.








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